Friday, June 22, 2007

North Andover

Thomson Mothers, Sandy Gleed & Dawn Crescitelli
Absent TUFF Group
$1.65 Mil Override Passes
Without the support of the TUFF group
N. Andover finally approved an override,
rendering Diane Huster and the
"Desperate Housewives" completely
irrelevant and ineffective in town elections.

1 290 563
2 432 566
3 357 468
4 544 523
5 190 172
6 766 520
7 817 455
8 765 494
Total 4161 3761

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hispanic Week Schedule 2007

Thursday June 7th - 6pm
VIP Dinner - Wyndham HotelANDOVER.

Sunday. - June 10 - 6-9pm
Haitian Night 94 Broadway
Peruvian NightSt. Mary’s

Monday June 11 - 6-9pm
Colombian & Salvadorian Night
Galaxia 6-9pm

Tuesday June 126-9pm
Ecuadorian Night - TBA

Wednesday, June 13 - 6-11pm
Puerto Rican Night -Pemberton Park

Thursday June 14th 6-11pm
Dominican Night- Pemberton Park

Friday June 15
Hispanic Week Activities on the
Common begin at NOON!

Saturday June 16th Hispanic Week Activities
on the Common - Noon - 11pm

Sunday, June 17th
Hispanic Week Parade - Noon2-11pm
MORE festivities on the common

For more information you can visit Hispanic week on line