.. years after other newspapers have discussed and debated the issue a hundred different ways.
Today, however, the Alabama~Eagle FINALLY took a stand against Lawrence City Council President Patrick Blanchette's harassment of former assistant city clerk Jennifer Padellaro.
FINALLY (years after the fact) the Alabama~Eagle has acknowledged that Padellaro was the victim of sexual harassment at the hands of Patrick Blanchette's best friend Jim McGravey. Finally, the Trib. admits that Blanchette acted illegally in protecting McGravey. FINALLY! they have the courage (after the fact) to put the blame squarely on Lawrence city officials ...Finally!
But there were elements of the Alabama~Eagle's editorial today that looked SUPER familiar to us here at The Valley Patriot. Let's compare and contrast today's editorial by the Eagle and the column written in The Valley Patriot's FEBRUARY 2008 edition.
The Real Disgrace in the Jennifer Paddelaro Lawsuit
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